MAP Your Location

Our location mapping tool allows you to accurately locate your exact longitude and latitude. Many properties which we perform tests on do not have a physical address and this tool allows us to have the correct coordinates to find your location.

How to use our location mapping tool:

1. Enter your full or partial address in the LOCATION: field and the map will update to that location.
2. If the map marker accurately displays your location write down or copy and paste your Longitude and Latitude from the boxes above the map.
3. To further fine tune your location simply drag the Red Map Marker on the map to the percise location. The longitude and latitude boxes update in real time to give the exact coordinates.
4. Once you have the marker accurately adjusted simply note your longitude and latitude. Be sure to supply us with this exact longitude and latitude on the order service form.


Ready to order service?

If you were able to locate your exact longitude and latitude then it is time to order service

Order Service